Inspired News

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Got a headache or a migraine? We can help!

If you are someone who experiences frequent headaches or migraines, my heart goes out to you. I know that this kind of pain ...

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Ouch! Everything you need to know about muscle spasms and cramps.

If you’re experiencing muscle pain, you may be fed up. And we get why! Muscle pain is tender and often constant, making everyday ...

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Sports Massage or Deep Tissue Massage – What’s best for you?

There is often no better feeling than having a body massage to ease aches and pains or just to relax.

It’s ...

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Shoulder pain Driving You up The Wall?

Did you know that the shoulder is one of the most flexible joints in the human body?

Crazy, right?

Especially ...

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Moving More Without The Fuss

What’s The Problem with Sitting Down? 🤷🏻‍♂️

We all know that being sedentary for too long has a huge impact on your ...

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What you need to know about Nerve Pain And Sciatica

Ever had that moment where you bend down to grab something, and when you stand up, it feels like you are in another ...

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What you need to know about Endometriosis

Have you heard of endometriosis?

It’s not a condition that is widely known, even though it affects around 1 in 10 ...

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Healthy pie recipe for British Pie Week

We’re a nation of self-confessed pie lovers! 🥧

In fact, pie is so popular in the British Isles, that we have ...

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What’s the problem with Salt?

We examine why you should be watching your salt intake, what to look out for on nutrition labels and we tell you how ...

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