Inspired News

04 11 20 TrickOrTreat3F33 1024x1024 scaled 1

Mum says, ‘Eat your greens!’

Every mum has said it – it’s important to eat your greens! 🌿

And what better time to give it a try ...

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28 10 20 TrickOrTreat3F3 1024x1024 1

Halloween: Trick or treat?

We all have our normal daily routines and patterns and, most of the time, this can be comforting and calming. But sometimes this ...

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21 6010 20 Osteoporosis Aboneofcontention3F3 1024x1024 1

Osteoporosis: A bone of contention?

October 20th, was World Osteoporosis Day.

But what is Osteoporosis?

This week, we want to teach you a little more ...

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Feeling Stiff as a Board? What You Need to Know About Arthritis

Last week was World Arthritis Week 💁‍♀️.

Arthritis affects more than 10 million people in the UK in some form.

Even ...

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07 10

Managing stress and anxiety

This year has been a challenging one – you don’t need us to tell you that much!

We know that lockdown and ...

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Ask us a silly question!

That’s right, this week it is ask a silly question week! 🤪

Why write about this? 🤔

Well, we love receiving ...

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InspiredHealth Blog 2020.07

Happiness is a state of mind…

Sometimes, happiness can feel completely elusive and other times it is there all the time. Why is this?! Happiness feels like this mythical ...

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InspiredHealth Blog 2020.07 1

Balance… have you been knocked off centre?

Imagine life without being able to balance correctly…

We would fall over every time we moved! 🤕

Balance is ...

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09 09 20migraneawarenessweek3

Migraine Awareness Week 2020: What You Should Know About Managing Migraines!

A perfect chance for us to explain more about them. It’s a very common condition, affecting 1 in 5 women and 1 in ...

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