Inspired News

Correct Bad Posture

The Definitive Guide To Sitting Posture

I have been a physio for a few years now. 27 years to be exact. And over this time there have been different trends of ...
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The Best Exercise For Lower Back Pain

Read Time 5-Minutes Lower back pain (LBP) is a big deal for a lot of people. With up to 80% of people experiencing LBP and ...
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we become what we repeatedly do stephen coveys quo K7VY7E5

Creating A Habit

Read Time 5-Minutes Have you ever begun the year with a new resolution? The pursuit of the newer, fitter, healthier, cleaner living, harder working and ...
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What are the Benefits of Strength Training

What Is Strength Training?

There is a difference between rehab and strengthening and this is where a lot of people, client’s and therapists together, get lost. Weather or not ...
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Is Resistance Training Safe & Effective For Children & Adolescents?

Is Resistance Training Safe & Effective For Children? Have you heard that resistance training stunts a child’s growth? What about resistance training being unsafe for ...
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Ankylosing Spondylitis

What Is It? Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) is a chronic auto-immune condition under the umbrella group of spondyloarthritis (SpA). It is a type of arthritis that ...
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Twelve Tendinopathy Truths

There is a lot we do not know about tendinopathies with many brilliant minds researching the best way to manage, treat and return back to ...
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Frozen Shoulder

What is a Frozen Shoulder? Medically known as adhesive capsulitis Frozen Shoulder is a common cause of shoulder pain associated with restricted active and passive ...
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How Do I Start Running And Prevent Injury?

After an extremely long wait (and two false starts!), Saturday the 24th of July 2021 was a day that many of us have been waiting ...
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