How Your Breast/Bottle Feeding Posture Affects You

How Your Breast/Bottle Feeding Posture Affects You

How your breast/bottle feeding posture affects you

We see a lot of expectant mothers ๐Ÿคฐ and new mums ๐Ÿคฑ at Inspired Health Chiropractic. This is an exciting time! Whether youโ€™ve decided to breast or bottle-feed ๐Ÿผ your baby, you probably already know that being in the incorrect position for too long can cause aches and pains.

Weโ€™ve spoken before about the importance of good posture and how poor posture can affect just about every aspect of your wellbeing. Poor posture while breastfeeding can throw your body out of alignment too ๐Ÿ˜“.

We know that you have a lot to juggle ๐Ÿคนโ€โ™€๏ธ and many other concerns when it comes to feeding your baby, but hereโ€™s how the correct posture while nursing can really help you.

It reduces stress on your Bbody

When feeding your baby, you are most likely to be spending hundreds of hours in the nursing position. Nursing can leave your neck, back, wrists, and even your fingers feeling sore, so the correct posture can help reduce aches and pains.

Increased energy

Using the correct posture while feeding your baby can help reduce exhaustion ๐Ÿ˜ด as your body doesnโ€™t have to heal your aches and pains from being in an uncomfortable position for too long. And, letโ€™s face it, when youโ€™re a new mum you need all the energy you can get!

It affects your recovery

Great feeding posture can have a big effect on how you recover from having a baby. It can support your pelvic floor from recovering from both natural birth and a cesarean ๐Ÿคฐ and take the strain away from your spine.

A useful posture for breastfeeding

  • Here are our top tips for making sure you have the correct posture while feeding your baby:
  • Start by bringing your baby to your nipple, not your nipple to your baby. Using a rolled-up, soft towel to raise your babyโ€™s head is a nifty way to help.
  • Focus on your shoulders and keep them relaxed. Try using a pregnancy pillow to rest the baby on instead of crossing your legs to rest the baby on. This properly supports your arms, neck, and back and prevents tension.
  • We know itโ€™s tempting but and have breaks from looking down for the entire feed. This supports your neck and shoulders.
  • Sit up as straight as you can, especially if youโ€™re in bed or on the couch. This reduces stress on your back and neck. Sit all the way back in the chair or place a pillow behind you for support. This relieves any pressure you may be putting on your back. Your feet should always be flat on the floor.
  • Switch up the position in which you are feeding and change sides regularly. Long periods of sitting in the same position can put a strain on your connective tissues and joints.

Things to remember

Now that you know what the aspects are of the correct feeding posture, there are a couple of things you can take into consideration to ensure that you remain in a healthy position while nursing your little one:

  • Gather everything you need before you start breastfeeding. Think about what youโ€™d like to drink ๐Ÿฅ›, snacks ๐Ÿฅ—, your phone ๐Ÿ“ฑ or tablet, TV remote ๐Ÿ“บ, nipple cream, muslins, etc. This way, you donโ€™t have to try to get up while holding your baby in the feeding position which can injure your back.
  • Make sure you drink lots of water to reduce the risk of constipation if you are breastfeeding!

How we can help

Weโ€™re experts in posture! During your visit to Inspired Health, we will help you work on the best feeding posture to suit you, your baby, and your lifestyle.

Through various chiropractic techniques, we can also work on treating the effects of poor feeding posture on your body and get you balanced again. We can also help you by providing exercises for you to strengthen your back, shoulder, and neck muscles which will take you no time at all.

To book an appointment with us, call 01245 699 152 or click here to get in contact.

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