Why Is Movement So Important For Back Pain?

Why Is Movement So Important For Back Pain?

Recently in the clinic we have seen a huge spike in cases of back and neck pain from people working at home and/or home schooling their children. This actually isn’t a surprise to us, as we commonly see increased back and neck problems correlating with increases in sedentary behaviour, such as prolonged sitting and reduced daily activity.

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COVID-19 Dilemma

The dilemma of current is that we actually can’t change the cause of the problem as working from home and/or home schooling is our current norm. The closure of leisure centres and gyms have constrained our choices of exercise and physical activity to home workouts and/or 1 hour of outdoor activity. For many of us the idea of training at home is tedious and the weather at current isn’t the most inviting for those evening or early morning walks or runs.

But let us put all that behind us and look at the brighter side. We can actually keep physically active and exercise, which is important and even more important for the likes of you who are living with neck and back pain. We understand that it is often hard to stay active if you are in pain. Many of us also encounter some fear of moving when experiencing pain, as we commonly think pain is a sign of injury. But in most cases, this isn’t the case, as there hasn’t been a direct injury or a traumatic event.

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Exercise Is A Preventative Solution

Although exercise programs doesn’t always make back pain go away completely, they often relieve the pain and improve your overall fitness and mobility. Research has also found that doing regular exercise can reduce the frequency of recurring back pain attacks by almost half.

Exercise is also a great preventative solution especially for back and neck pain. We now have evidence that shows an increased strength and thickness in discs of the spine in those people who do regular recreationally running. We also have an abundance of strong evidence that supports the use of resistance training for treating and maintaining a strong and healthy back and neck.

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Listen, Adapt & Start Slowly

When reintegrating any form of movement, exercise or activity remember to initially take it slow and adjust things by how you feel on a day-to-day basis. Remember there is no one size fits all strategy.

So, listen to your body, adapt, and slowly start to move.

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Take Home Message

In summary, movement in many shapes and forms is safe and effective for those of you living with back and neck pain. Exercise and physical activity in many forms is also a great preventative and has many benefits for maintaining a healthy, strong, and flexible back and neck.

If you would like to discuss any of the above and/or any other issues that you have, then please take us up on our free 15 minute face-to-face or online consultation where you can discuss these issues with one of our specialist physiotherapists.

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