Feeling Frazzled? Here’s How To Have A Calm Day

Feeling Frazzled? Here’s How To Have A Calm Day

Feeling frazzled? Here’s how to have a calm day

We could all do with a little less stress and a little more zen 🧘‍♀️, right? With hectic schedules 📜 and to-do lists longer than our left arm, it’s no surprise we find ourselves being run by our days, rather than the other way round.

Did you know that notifications actually elicit a stress response 😲? They can alter your brain 🧠 chemistry, creating an imbalance. With endless 📧 emails, notifications, WhatsApp messages, and phone calls ☎ pulling you in every direction it’s easy to feel frantic and stressed 🥵.

Come bedtime, it can become hard to unwind and have a restful night’s slumber 😴 after trying to meet everyone else’s demands and taking care of those you love.

Thankfully, there are some helpful 🙌 and practical 🙌 ways that can bring more calmness 💆‍♂️ into your day. We’re not saying this is the magic recipe, but these are key ingredients you’ll need if you’d like to work towards having a more relaxed 24 hours.

Create a routine that promotes calm

Having a routine is a great way to be productive and ensure everything gets done in an orderly fashion. You can set a regular routine into motion by dividing ➗ your day into parts and doing your best to stick to the tasks that are important to tackle in each block of time.

Morning rituals can set up for the day before the hustle begins. For example, eating a delicious 🥣 breakfast, walking the dog or having a ☕ coffee before everyone else gets up. You can always take your morning routine a step further and try doing some light stretching, writing ✍ in a journal, or even trying a mindfulness 🧘‍♂️ meditation – none of these are hard and fast rules, do what works for you!

Make Self-Care A Priority

In this modern world of ours, we hear the term ‘self-care’ a lot. But self-care can be tricky 🤔 when you don’t have a lot of time to practice it. But self-care doesn’t have to be time-consuming or expensive, it can be as simple as setting aside 10 minutes a day to do something that is truly taking care of yourself 🤗.

Whether it’s the demands of your job 🖥 or running around after kids 🏃‍♂️ all day, you’re continuously giving parts of yourself to others. It’s important that you put energy into yourself too. You can’t pour from an empty cup, as they say.

Block Out Focus Time

You don’t have to have your email 📧 inbox open all day and you don’t have to have your notifications 📲enabled all the time either. Unless you’re working on something super urgent that requires you to collaborate with others, cut down on those stress-inducing notifications by closing your emails and signing out of apps for two-hour blocks. Use this time to really focus 👓 and get as much work done as you can. Then set aside half an hour to respond to emails and messages, followed by another two hours of focus time. This allows you to get bigger chunks of work done in one go rather than being pulled in seven different directions all day. Not every message needs to be addressed right away, not everything is urgent.

Establish Boundaries That Protect Your Calm

There’s no denying that setting boundaries is difficult, particularly when it comes to people we love. But having certain non-negotiables 🙅‍♀️ in place can help you protect the calm you are working so hard to achieve.

A healthy boundary to set, that can help reinforce calm, reducing work after hours. We know – this is a tough one! But working 💻 after hours means you’re taking time away from those you love and from focusing on yourself and your own health.

If people know that you don’t answer the phone after a certain hour in the evenings, they are a lot less likely to give you a 📞 call. The tricky part is having the willpower not to pick up.

Write down ✍ the ways that people may try to challenge these boundaries so that you are mentally prepared for when your boundaries are tested.

If you feel like your day is getting away with you just about every day and you’re not able to cope with the stress that follows, you may want to consider empowerment therapy. This unique form of therapy helps you take your power back and teaches you healthy and practical ways to cope with stress 🙌. If you’d like to book an empowerment therapy consultation, call us on 01245 699 152 or email us at

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