Happy Random Act of Kindness Day!

Happy Random Act of Kindness Day!

Yes, this February 17th is Random Acts of Kindness Day – a day to show someone you care about them.

It’s a day to put aside the busy every day of our lives and think about how we can make a positive impact on someone else. It doesn’t have to be huge, as even something small and simple can really make someone’s day.

It could be anonymous or for someone close to you, but either way here’s your chance to try out a Random Act of Kindness to celebrate this lovely day.

Remember: it’s all in the details!

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Even something small and simple can really make someone’s day.

Give someone a true compliment ✨

It costs nothing, takes almost no time at all, and yet it can really have a profound effect on someone. Think honestly about something you admire in someone else and let them know how you feel. A compliment can really turn someone’s day around, and it always feels good to be appreciated.

Bake something special for someone else 🧁

It could be a loved one, a neighbour, or someone who you haven’t seen in a while. Making food for someone is a great way to show love, and everyone appreciates the time and effort it takes to bake something special. Who would say no to a sweet treat?!

Create a challenge to raise money for an important cause 🏃‍♀️

Maybe it’s running for 5k, or doing an extra-long walk, or some other challenge that you can invent. Use this opportunity to raise money for a cause that you really care about and make a donation. This way, you can compound your kindness – get people involved and really help make a difference! You’re even giving those you know a chance to perform their own act of kindness as part of yours.

Pick up litter at your local park 🏞

I know, this is not so glamorous. But, spending some time at your local natural site, dedicating a little time to picking up trash and disposing of it thoughtfully is a real act of kindness. Here’s another one where you might get friends or family involved. Beautify your local area and preserve it for everyone with this eco-friendly act of kindness.

Pay for someone else’s dinner 🍝

Even if you aren’t able to physically meet the person, you could offer to pay for dinner for someone you’re thinking of by placing an order for delivery on their behalf. Otherwise, consider bringing food to them, or simply paying the bill for their order while they’re still enjoying their meal. This could be a chance to do something truly anonymous and pay for a stranger’s meal – it will give them a night they won’t forget.

Write out a letter 📫

The analogue way has a real feeling of intimacy and care, so crack open those pens and find some paper 📝! Write someone a letter from the heart and send it off – they might receive it a little after Random Acts of Kindness Day, but it still counts!

Give things away for free 💸

If you have a bunch of things you know you won’t need – like books, for instance 📚 – pass them on! Reach out to the bookworm you know who will really appreciate the fact that you thought of them. Equally, if there’s something that could be really useful or helpful to someone that you know they need, buy it for them!

Send a kind email to a colleague 📧

Recognise the hard work of your co-workers and reach out to them directly to let them know you’ve noticed. If someone you work with deserves a little recognition, make it known! They’ll really appreciate it that someone has noted their efforts.

Give your loved one a box of hearts 💕

On each one, write something that you love about the person. Put them all into a box and give it to them whenever they are feeling down or need a little pick-me-up. This is a kindness that keeps on giving long after Random Acts of Kindness day is over!

Offer to run an errand 🛍

If your neighbour, family member or loved one has a busy day ahead and could use a little help, offer to do an errand on their behalf. Check something off their list, even if it’s small – It will really make their day easier!

There’s nothing better than waking up to a nice hot drink and breakfast in bed!

Reach out to someone you haven’t heard from in a while 📞

If you have an old friend or colleague who you haven’t heard from in a while but who you used to enjoy spending time with, today’s your chance to reach out and catch up! If you’re comfortable, make it a phone call – it’s great to actually have a conversation and hear about how they’re doing.

Say hello to someone who you wouldn’t normally talk to 👋

It might be the barista in your local café, the server at your local grocery store, or the postman – whoever it might be, take a minute to stop and ask them how their day is going.

Deliver breakfast in bed 🥞

There’s nothing better than waking up to a nice hot drink and breakfast in bed! Get organised and make your loved one a special surprise. Choose their favourite breakfast and present it nicely. Spend time together over breakfast, using the opportunity to just catch up and have quality time together. It’s a great way to pause and appreciate your relationship and will certainly make them feel loved.

Share with us your Random Act of Kindness this February 17th! We’d love to see what you come up with. A little kindness goes a long way, and we can all use this opportunity to bring a smile to someone’s face 😃.

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