Inspired News


Treat Yourself Like An Athlete. Train Like A Pro

Whether you are: Trying to get things back on track post injury, Looking for that extra piece to get the progress in your training, Looking ...
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What Is Women’s Health Physiotherapy?

What is Women’s Health Physiotherapy? If you have ever had surgery, you may be aware of what a physiotherapist can do to help with your ...
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Scans Don’t Show Pain

Modern medical imaging and technology have vastly improved and enhanced healthcare. Modern medical imaging techniques, such as MRI, CT, ultrasound, and X-ray, are helping to ...
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What the heck is ‘tech neck’?

What the heck is ‘tech neck’? Have you ever heard the term ‘tech neck’? In our modern world where we use phones, tablets, and computers ...
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Why engaging your core is so important 

Why engaging your core is so important Have you ever been to an exercise class where the instructor has told you to ‘engage your core’? ...
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Can stress really cause shoulder pain?

Can stress really cause shoulder pain? You may be wondering if stress can be a genuine cause of shoulder pain. The simple answer is yes, ...
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5 ways to prevent Headaches

5 ways to prevent headaches We often tell our clients here at Inspired Health that headaches are not normal! 🤯 Having regular headaches is an ...
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Could A Pelvis Problem Be Causing Lower Back Pain?

Could A Pelvis Problem Be Causing Lower Back Pain? All of our bones, joints, tissue, and muscles are intricately connected to form our incredible human ...
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The Health Benefits of Massage Therapy

The Health Benefits of Massage Therapy Going for a massage is a wonderful way to relax, but that’s not all. Massage therapy also has a ...
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