
09 09 20migraneawarenessweek3

Migraine Awareness Week 2020: What You Should Know About Managing Migraines!

A perfect chance for us to explain more about them. It’s a very common condition, affecting 1 in 5 women and 1 in every 15 men. While we hear the term ‘migraine’ thrown around a lot, what are they really? How do we manage them? Without further ado, let’s get into it… 💁♀️


In our opinion, a migraine is a sensory overload of the nervous system. This means that the nervous system is overfiring. This could be from irritation of the nerves around the head and face. When we add other stimulants like stress, light, alcohol, caffeine and extra stress, the system cannot cope and shuts down.

Migraine Awareness Week 2020: What You Should Know About Managing Migraines! Read More »

31 08 20Backtoschoolblog3 1024x1024 1

Your Back to School Checklist!

Yippee… the kids are going back to school! 📚

After all this time, the kids are finally returning to school as normal, and that means it’s time to check in and ensure they’ve got everything they need for another school year.

While we don’t usually think of kids as being prone to back pain, they can definitely suffer from this! Not to mention that the everyday habits of children form the basis of how they will develop and grow 🌱 into adults. Setting in place good habits and having the right equipment is especially important for growing bodies!

Your Back to School Checklist! Read More »


Dealing with Upper Crossed Postural Syndrome and Neck Pain

Ever since lockdown began, we’ve been hearing from more and more of you about upper back and neck pain – probably because more of us are working from home! 🛋

For this reason, we want to talk to you about Upper Crossed Postural Syndrome (UCPS). 💁

UCPS is a common muscular imbalance which involves muscles in the neck and upper back. When there’s an imbalance, some muscles are overworked, causing tightness, and others are underworked, causing weakness.

Dealing with Upper Crossed Postural Syndrome and Neck Pain Read More »


Pain management: You’ve overdone it, now what do you do?

Maybe you’ve been over working, increasing the intensity of your workouts, or have just decided to take up a new activity and are finding your body responding badly. 🤕

Whether it’s pain or stiffness, or any combination of discomfort, you might have overdone it! It’s time to go into pain management mode. 💆♀️

Here are the ways you can help your body heal from strain faster:

Pain management: You’ve overdone it, now what do you do? Read More »